Fontana School PD Purchases 14 AR-15 Assault Weapons To Protect Students
Written by Pat Henry on The Prepper Journal.File this under the department of ‘Someone is paying attention out there’. The good guys in blue at the Fontana Unified School District have been given the...
View ArticleGun Owners Refuse to Register Under New York Law
In a sign of what I believe may become more common, gun owners in New York are threatening to defy the recently passed “Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act, or NY SAFE” and in doing so,...
View ArticleDemocrats, Republicans and NRA work together on gun confiscation
Kurt Nimmo March 12, 2013 Dianne Feinstein’s assault weapon ban now appears to be a little more than decoy sent out to be shot down while the real work on gun control legislation is...
View ArticleFrom My Cold Dead Hands – Seriously?
Many of us who value our 2nd Amendment rights have heard and perhaps even shouted the phrase Charlton Heston seems to be responsible for making famous “From My Cold Dead Hands”. He may not have been...
View ArticleShould You Open Carry Your Firearm?
I was talking to someone who is still learning about the Prepper Movement and she asked me what I thought about Open Carry. She specifically asked me for my opinion on should you open carry or not. I...
View ArticleAR Does Not Stand for Assault Rifle
I was talking to my wife the other evening about several topics that are common to prepping. She started to make a point that in some cases, people who are into prepping either don’t show themselves in...
View ArticleWhat Part of Shall Not Be Infringed Do You Not Understand?
The UN’s Arms Trade Treaty which covers everything from small arms to battle tanks, combat aircraft and warships – will enter into force on 24 December 2014, Christmas Eve. This treaty has not been...
View ArticleWhat Does the Threatened M855 Ammo Ban Mean to Preppers?
If you own a firearm and spend any amount of time on the internet each day, you have likely seen the headlines declaring “Obama to ban bullets by executive action” or some derivative of that type of...
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